AWS : Certified Solution Architect -Professional (SAP)

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+ Course/Exam/Training Description

AWS : Certified Solution Architect -Professional (SAP)
  • 236+ Questions and Answer for preparing your real Certification exam
The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional exam is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role on AWS. Amazon Webservice Certification solution architect for professional level requires you to have good amount of knowledge of various solutions. Which is provided by AWS, and in the exam most of the almost 80% questions are scenario based and they create a full story before asking the questions, and based on the scenario you have to consider all the possible components or solutions provided by AWS. Even if you read all the documentations or having hands on still you need to practice questions before appearing in real exam. So, for this had created a material with 225 practice questions for AWS solutions architect. Before appearing, the exam use this material to practice. Here we provide three sample paper with 236questions in paper. We have also provided the explanation or relevant statement for the questions, so you can understand in detail. Hence start practicing AWS Solutions Architect: Professional Level exam. Reading the Book and online material is not enough to clear Amazon Solution Architect Certification: Professional Level. It really needs good practice each and every topic as well as extensive knowledge. So before appearing real exam: Practice - practice - practice! The Amazon Webservice Exam Simulator offers you the opportunity to take 3 sample mock and practice Exams (similar to real exam) before heading out for the real thing. Be ready to succeed on exam day! AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Level is real tough exam and it is not easy to crack without having proper practice and in depth understanding. And it is not enough to just Reading the Book and online material to clear AWS Certification. Before the exam you will definitely ask yourself am I ready for this Amazon Cloud exam, answer will be yes only if you practice and score at least 100% in each practice exam to cover each section of the AWS exam objective. The Hadoop Exam Simulator offers you the opportunity to take 3 sample AWS Practice Exams before heading out for the real thing. Be ready to succeed on exam day.
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+ Requirements & FAQ


Answer: This is a more advanced level of Solution Architect Certification and once you are certified it proves that you are having a required skill to become a good solution architect. Its less advanced version is AWS Solution Architect Associate certification.


Answer: This exam validates the advanced technical skills and experience in designing distributed applications and system on the AWS Platform.
Answer: It validates the following skills
•    Design and deploy dynamically scalable, highly available, fault-tolerant, and reliable applications on AWS.
•    Select appropriate AWS services to design and deploy an application based on given requirements.
•    Migrate complex, multi-tier applications on AWS.
•    Design and deploy enterprise-wide scalable operations on AWS.
•    Implement cost-control strategies
Answer:  Following are the recommended knowledge and experience is required for this AWS SA Professional Certification.
•    2 or more years of hands-on experience designing and deploying cloud architecture on AWS
•    Ability to evaluate cloud application requirements and make architectural recommendations for implementation, deployment, and provisioning applications on AWS
•    Ability to provide best practice guidance on the architectural design across multiple applications and projects of the enterprise
•    Familiarity with a scripting language
•    Familiarity with Windows and Linux environments
•    Familiarity with AWS CLI, AWS APIs, AWS CloudFormation templates, the AWS Billing Console, and the AWS Management Console
•    Explain and apply the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework
•    Map business objectives to application/architecture requirements
•    Design a hybrid architecture using key AWS technologies (e.g., VPN, AWS Direct Connect)
•    Architect a continuous integration and deployment process
Answer:  The AWS Certified Solution Architect – Professional examination is a pass or fail exam. The examination is scored against a minimum standard established by AWS professionals who are guided by certification industry best practices and guidelines. Your results for the examination are reported as a score from 100–1,000, with a minimum passing score of 720. Your score shows how you performed on the examination as a whole and whether or not you passed. Scaled scoring models are used to equate scores across multiple exam forms that may have slightly different difficulty levels. Your score report contains a table of classifications of your performance at each section level. This information is designed to provide general feedback concerning your examination performance. The examination uses a compensatory scoring model, which means that you do not need to “pass” the individual sections, only the overall examination. Each section of the examination has a specific weighting, so some sections have more Questions than others. The table contains general information, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses. Exercise caution when interpreting section-level feedback.
Answer: Below are the detail for the real exam, each section and how much Question percentage from each domain you would be evaluated.
•    Domain 1: Design for Organizational Complexity 12.5%
•    Domain 2: Design for New Solutions 31%
•    Domain 3: Migration Planning 15%
•    Domain 4: Cost Control 12.5%
•    Domain 5: Continuous Improvement for Existing Solutions 29%
Answer: Yes, please find below.
Domain 1: Design for Organizational Complexity
•    Determine cross-account authentication and access strategy for complex organizations (for example, an organization with varying compliance requirements, multiple business units, and varying scalability requirements)
•    Determine how to design networks for complex organizations (for example, an organization with varying compliance requirements, multiple business units, and varying scalability requirements)
•    Determine how to design a multi-account AWS environment for complex organizations (for example, an organization with varying compliance requirements, multiple business units, and varying scalability requirements)
Domain 2: Design for New Solutions
•    Determine security requirements and controls when designing and implementing a solution
•    Determine a solution design and implementation strategy to meet reliability requirements
•    Determine a solution design to ensure business continuity
•    Determine a solution design to meet performance objectives
•    Determine a deployment strategy to meet business requirements when designing and implementing a solution.
Domain 3: Migration Planning
•    Select existing workloads and processes for potential migration to the cloud
•    Select migration tools and/or services for new and migrated solutions based on detailed AWS knowledge
•    Determine a new cloud architecture for an existing solution
•    Determine a strategy for migrating existing on-premises workloads to the cloud
Domain 4: Cost Control
•    Select a cost-effective pricing model for a solution
•    Determine which controls to design and implement that will ensure cost optimization
•    Identify opportunities to reduce cost in an existing solution
Domain 5: Continuous Improvement for Existing Solutions
•    Troubleshoot solution architectures
•    Determine a strategy to improve an existing solution for operational excellence
•    Determine a strategy to improve the reliability of an existing solution
•    Determine a strategy to improve the performance of an existing solution
•    Determine a strategy to improve the security of an existing solution
•    Determine how to improve the deployment of an existing solution
Answer: There would be 75 multiple choice, multiple response Questions.
Answer:  There would be in total 180 Minutes or 3 Hr 0 Minutes.
Answer:  It means there would be at least 2 correct Answers from the given 5 options.
Answer: It means there would be only 1 correct Answer, and there would be three distractors. This is even more difficult to Answer, until and unless you have practiced well from the HadoopExam provided Questions and Answers.
Answer:  Yes, If you take your exam through online proctoring, you can use an external monitor as your ONLY display. Set your screen resolution to 280 pixels x 1024 pixels or greater for a PC, and 1440 pixels x 900 pixels or greater for a Mac. Set the scaling to 100%. Set the scaling to 100%. Other settings might result in a need to scroll within the console.
Answer: The AWS Certified Solution Architect – Professional exam is a pass or fail exam. The exam is scored against a minimum standard established by AWS professionals who follow certification industry best practices and guidelines.
Answer: Your results for the exam are reported as a score from 100–1,000. The minimum passing score is 720. Your score shows how you performed on the exam as a whole and whether or not you passed. Scaled scoring models are used to equate scores across multiple exam forms that might have slightly different difficulty levels.
Answer: No, your score report contains a table that classifies your performance at each section level. This information is intended to provide general feedback about your exam performance. The exam uses a compensatory scoring model, which means that you do not need to achieve a passing score in each individual section. You need to pass only the overall exam.
Answer: No, each section of the exam has a specific weighting, so some sections have more Questions than other sections have. The table contains general information that highlights your strengths and weaknesses. Use caution when interpreting section-level feedback.
Answer:AWS Certifications build credibility and confidence by validating your cloud skills with an industry-recognized credential. Getting AWS Certified can help you propel your career, whether looking to find a new role, showcase your skills to take on a new project, or become your team’s go-to expert.
Answer: AWS Certification helps organizations identify and cultivate skilled professionals who can improve cloud operations and drive innovation. Research by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) shows that AWS Certification can help organizations build faster, improve security, reduce downtime, improve deployment time, better innovate with AWS services, and attract and retain top talent.

Answer: AWS provide digital badges on Credly’s digital badging platform as a benefit of earning an AWS Certification to help you showcase your achievement. You can add your digital badge to your professional profiles, digital resumes, or email signatures. You can also share your digital badge as a post on social media to celebrate with your network.
AWS : Certified Solution Architect -Professional (SAP)
  • 236+ Questions and Answer for preparing your real Certification exam
The AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional exam is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role on AWS. Amazon Webservice Certification solution architect for professional level requires you to have good amount of knowledge of various solutions. Which is provided by AWS, and in the exam most of the almost 80% questions are scenario based and they create a full story before asking the questions, and based on the scenario you have to consider all the possible components or solutions provided by AWS. Even if you read all the documentations or having hands on still you need to practice questions before appearing in real exam. So, for this had created a material with 225 practice questions for AWS solutions architect. Before appearing, the exam use this material to practice. Here we provide three sample paper with 236questions in paper. We have also provided the explanation or relevant statement for the questions, so you can understand in detail. Hence start practicing AWS Solutions Architect: Professional Level exam. Reading the Book and online material is not enough to clear Amazon Solution Architect Certification: Professional Level. It really needs good practice each and every topic as well as extensive knowledge. So before appearing real exam: Practice - practice - practice! The Amazon Webservice Exam Simulator offers you the opportunity to take 3 sample mock and practice Exams (similar to real exam) before heading out for the real thing. Be ready to succeed on exam day! AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional Level is real tough exam and it is not easy to crack without having proper practice and in depth understanding. And it is not enough to just Reading the Book and online material to clear AWS Certification. Before the exam you will definitely ask yourself am I ready for this Amazon Cloud exam, answer will be yes only if you practice and score at least 100% in each practice exam to cover each section of the AWS exam objective. The Hadoop Exam Simulator offers you the opportunity to take 3 sample AWS Practice Exams before heading out for the real thing. Be ready to succeed on exam day.
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Making Payment in INR use below PayuMoney button Only 2999INR -->  799INR

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