Question-12:  You are working on a Replication of HDFS files from source CDP Cluster to Destination CDP cluster. However, there are thousands of files and subdirectories. You need to increase the memory, how would you do?

  1. You need to increase the heap size in file.
  2. To increase the heap size, add the key-value pair HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS=-Xmx<memory_value>
  3. To increase the heap size, add the key-value pair MAPRED_DISTCP_OPTS="-Xmx<memory_value>
  4. To increase the heap size, add the key-value pair HADOOP_USER_PARAMS=-Xmx<memory_value>

Answer: 1,2

Exp: You can increase the heap size in the file before you replicate the data in directories that contain thousands of files and subdirectories.
