Question-3: You are trying to replicate entire Hive Data to different data centers and hdfs user is being used for this activity. Which of the following permissions are needed for hdfs user to replicate entire Hive data?

  1. All-databases
  2. Table
  3. Column
  4. All-hiveservices

Answer: 1,2,3

Exp: Replication Manager functions consistently across HDFS and Hive:

  • You can set it up on files or directories in HDFS and on External tables in Hive—without manual translation of Hive datasets to HDFS datasets, or vice versa. Hive Metastore information is also replicated.
  • Applications that depend on External table definitions stored in Hive, operate on both replica and source as table definitions are updated.
  • The hdfs user should have access to all Hive datasets, including all operations. Else, Hive import fails during the replication process. To provide access, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to Ranger Admin UI
  2. Provide hdfs user permission to "all-database, table, column" in hdfs under the Hadoop_SQL section.