Question-26: When you run below command on one of the Linux host in CDP Private Base Cluster. What it does?

/dev/sdb1 /data1 ext4 defaults,noatime 0

mount -o remount /data1

  1. It would maintain the Metadata updated timestamp accurate while reading data.
  2. It would maintain the Metadata updated timestamp accurate while writing data to disk.
  3. It would not maintain the Metadata updated timestamp while reading data.


Exp: Linux filesystems keep metadata that record when each file was accessed. This means that even reads result in a write to the disk. To speed up file reads, Cloudera recommends that you disable this option, called atime, using the noatime mount option in /etc/fstab:

/dev/sdb1 /data1 ext4 defaults,noatime 0

Apply the change without rebooting:

mount -o remount /data1